What is RCMC and Why should you Register in Hindi | Mr. Jagdish Bhatia

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  • Instructor
    Mr. Jagdish Bhatia
  • Duration 
      10 Mins
  • Languages

A few more words about this Video

In this video, Jagdish Bhatia Sir, Instructor at JBS Academy private Limited talks at great lengths about RCMC which stands for Registration Cum Membership Certificate. He initiates the topics with first explaining the full form of RCMC and with who exactly this registration of membership is done. Registration is done with Export Promotion Council; Government of India has established 24 EPCs and 2 Development Authorities named APEDA and MPEDA for Agricultural process development and Marine product development respectively to promote and support Export activities. 6 Boards to promote raw materials like coffee, tea, coir and rubber. APEX bodies like FIEO, CII and FICCI.

In later part of this video Bhatia Sir emphasises on why we should get a membership with promotion council and about the benefits as well. Promotion council provides with the information about local supplier, genuine buyers and updates on government policy and circulars through email. It also helps in resolving disputes with buyer. It also helps in getting accommodation facilities and flight tickets at discounted rates through government.

If you’re working with multiple products then you can associate yourself with FIEO and If you’re with apparel you can register yourself with apparel promotion council and so on. Registration for promotion council is done online from 1st April to 31st march.

In the end part of the video Jagdish Sir talks about Development Authority and Boards. If you’re working with a promotion council which ends with “Development Authority” or “Board”, Then one needs to individually register to the particular promotion council for membership