Prerecorded lectures of 2023 (Exam 2024) 2

  • Author
    Mr. Samir Shah
    Dr. Darshan Mashroo
    Mr. Viren Dayal
    Dr. Avani Agarwal
  • Level
  • Study time
    X hours
  • Video time
    X hours
What you are going to learn

A few more words about this course

This course attempts to fill the knowledge gaps that modern people have in classical art, as these are the very foundations of any modern artistic creation.
Throughout this course you will discover how classical artists:

  • Make use of space
  • Take inspiration from their environment and their cultural context
  • Create art to express, explore, and question the world around them
  • Respond to the social, cultural, and political issues of their time through works of art
  • Use materials