Is LC transaction safe क्या LC transaction safe है | Mr. Jagdish Bhatia
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InstructorMr. Jagdish Bhatia
Duration5 Mins 38 Sec
A few more words about this Video
In this video, Mr. Jagdish Bhatia, an Instructor at JBS Academy Private
Limited is explaining the nuances of a LC transaction or a Letter of
Credit transaction.
It is emphasised by Mr. Bhatia that, you go through the LC clauses beforehand to have a more comprehensive understanding. By way of examples and illustrations, the use, safety and the LC method of payment are being addressed in the video to explain how you can utilise this for your business venture effectively.
It is emphasised by Mr. Bhatia that, you go through the LC clauses beforehand to have a more comprehensive understanding. By way of examples and illustrations, the use, safety and the LC method of payment are being addressed in the video to explain how you can utilise this for your business venture effectively.