How to start Export and Import Business - Hindi | Mr. Jagdish Bhatia
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Duration in Hrs5 hour
InstructorMr. Jagdish Bhatia
Number of Chapters24
Number of Resources21
Certificate of completionYes
Course Duration3 Month
A few more words about this course
Export-import is a trending business. Many people have
confusion and queries about this process. In this course, you will learn the
complete information about how to do export-import business. There are so many
steps to be understood like, how to do Company Registration, Bank Account, how
to apply for export-import Licence, Payment Terms in International Market, how
to find genuine buyer and Supplier, what is Incoterms, how the Customs
Clearance process will be done, which documents required for the process, how
to manage your Risk, Government Promotional Schemes, how to recover from your
damaged goods, Foreign Exchange Risk Management.
Enroll now to get step-by-step guidance regarding the export-import process in detail.
Enroll now to get step-by-step guidance regarding the export-import process in detail.
Mr. Jagdish Bhatia
About Instructor
Mr. Jagdish Bhatia is connected with this
Import Export Business since 1967. He has an experience of a 45 years in this
His experience includes working in Banks,
Government Organizations, Institutes as well as in corporate offices. He
currently works as a Faculty, Consultant and Corporate Trainer. He has worked with Standard Chartered Bank, Dubai; National
Bank of Sharjah, Sharjah; HDFC Bank Ltd., Ahmedabad; Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industries.
He is delivering lectures for many years at various institutes such as Gujarat University - H K College of Professional Management; Gujarat and Bombay and Gujarat Chamber of Commerce; FIEO – Federation of Indian Exporter Organization; EEPC - Engineering Export Promotion Council of India and PLEXCONCIL - The Plastics Export Promotion Council; Ahmedabad Management Association; MSME – Micro Small & Medium Enterprises; EDII – Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India; CED – Centre for Entrepreneur Development and many more.
He is delivering lectures for many years at various institutes such as Gujarat University - H K College of Professional Management; Gujarat and Bombay and Gujarat Chamber of Commerce; FIEO – Federation of Indian Exporter Organization; EEPC - Engineering Export Promotion Council of India and PLEXCONCIL - The Plastics Export Promotion Council; Ahmedabad Management Association; MSME – Micro Small & Medium Enterprises; EDII – Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India; CED – Centre for Entrepreneur Development and many more.