How to Prepare an Air Waybill and Terms and Conditions
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Duration in Hrs1 hour
Number of Chapters6
Number of Resources5
Certificate of completionNo
A few more words about this course
Airway bill is a mandatory document of carriage. The same is used for air transportation. In this programme you will learn how to prepare an Airway Bill and how to fill the individual sections. The document has conditions attached to it. There is a separate file giving the terms and conditions which would be applicable to the carrier and shipper or consignee.
The Air Waybill is the most important document issued by a Carrier either directly or through its authorized Agent. It is a non-negotiable transport document that covers the transport of cargo from airport to airport. Air Waybill is issued by an air carrier of goods on receipt of goods after completion of Export Customs formalities of the country. It is a document that accompanies goods shipped by an International Air Courier to provide detailed information about the shipment and allow it to be tracked.
International carriage is governed by established conventions. There are separate files explaining the Montreal Convention, Warsaw Convention, and Hague Visby Rules. At the end of the programme participant will be in a position to prepare Airway bill as well as understand the conditions attached to the document and the conventions applicable.