Exporters के लिए Digital Marketing में Search Engine Optimization क्यों जरूरी है ? Dr. Avani Agrawal
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InstructorDr. Avani Agrawal
Duration5 Mins 25 Sec
A few more words about this Video
Welcome back to another video in the series - ‘Digital Marketing
in International Business’ by JBS Academy. In previous videos of this
series, we have already learnt about the basic concept of Digital
Marketing, its benefits to exporters, importance of website –
E-presence, content marketing and LinkedIn Marketing Strategies.
In today’s video, we will learn about another important topic in digital marketing i.e. ‘SEO – Search Engine Optimization’ Website plays a very important role in export business. If you have a website that is user friendly and quite attractive but still there are very few people who are visiting your website than this video is for you as it focuses on SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization.
In this video, Dr. Avani Agrawal, Instructor, JBS Academy Private Limited, explains in detail about SEO - Search Engine Optimization for Export business with regards to its meaning, need and ways one can do SEO – Search Engine Optimization. She even makes us aware on the statistics about the chances that importer will visit your website based on the part of Google page the website page is displayed and in accordance to same explains the need to optimize your website and do search engine optimization on regular basis. You can learn about the two ways you can do SEO – Search Engine Optimization i.e. On page SEO and Off page SEO.
In today’s video, we will learn about another important topic in digital marketing i.e. ‘SEO – Search Engine Optimization’ Website plays a very important role in export business. If you have a website that is user friendly and quite attractive but still there are very few people who are visiting your website than this video is for you as it focuses on SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization.
In this video, Dr. Avani Agrawal, Instructor, JBS Academy Private Limited, explains in detail about SEO - Search Engine Optimization for Export business with regards to its meaning, need and ways one can do SEO – Search Engine Optimization. She even makes us aware on the statistics about the chances that importer will visit your website based on the part of Google page the website page is displayed and in accordance to same explains the need to optimize your website and do search engine optimization on regular basis. You can learn about the two ways you can do SEO – Search Engine Optimization i.e. On page SEO and Off page SEO.