Export - Import में "कोई भी बंदरगाह" शब्द का उपयोग करना कितना जोखिम भरा है | Mr. Jagdish Bhatia
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InstructorMr. Jagdish Bhatia
Duration3 Mins 33 Sec
A few more words about this Video
To make your export-import business beneficial without any problem, you must take care of many simple but important points. Sometimes, these simple points take you into big trouble while preparing documents for your Import consignment or Export consignment.
Through this video, Mr Jagdish Bhatia points your attention towards the very simple but very important topic that a person doing export should not use the word “any port” in their contract. Jagdish Bhatia is an Instructor at JBS Academy private limited, the best academy for the logistics-related subject.
This video will get complete information about why a person should not write “any port” word into their contract? What kind of problem can it create? And many more related questions.
Watch the video till the end. Mr Bhatia will give you the complete information with a simple and understandable example.
To keep yourself updated in the Logistics sector, follow us. We will come up with many intriguing topics related to the Import-Export Business, International Trade, Customs Clearance, Freight Forwarding, Port Management, Supply Chain Management and many more subjects.
Through this video, Mr Jagdish Bhatia points your attention towards the very simple but very important topic that a person doing export should not use the word “any port” in their contract. Jagdish Bhatia is an Instructor at JBS Academy private limited, the best academy for the logistics-related subject.
This video will get complete information about why a person should not write “any port” word into their contract? What kind of problem can it create? And many more related questions.
Watch the video till the end. Mr Bhatia will give you the complete information with a simple and understandable example.
To keep yourself updated in the Logistics sector, follow us. We will come up with many intriguing topics related to the Import-Export Business, International Trade, Customs Clearance, Freight Forwarding, Port Management, Supply Chain Management and many more subjects.