Digital Marketing for Exporters | LinkedIn Marketing Strategies | Export Import | Dr. Avani Agrawal
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InstructorDr. Avani Agrawal
Duration6 Mins 13 Sec
A few more words about this Video
In this series - ‘Digital Marketing in International Business’ by JBS Academy, we have already learnt about the basic concept of Digital Marketing, its benefits to exporters, Importance of Website and Content Marketing . In today’s video, we will learn about another important aspect of Digital Marketing i.e. ‘LinkedIn Marketing Strategies’.
In this video, Dr. Avani Agrawal, Instructor, JBS Academy Private Limited, explains in detail about LinkedIn Marketing Strategies for increasing one’s international business.
One can learn about the four important points related to LinkedIn marketing strategies:
1. Personalized profile - having your own LinkedIn Profile and its content,
2. Company Profile – the profile of the company and its content,
3. Optimize one’s Company’s page – how to optimize your company’s page and
4. Competitors Analysis - analyzing your competitors through LinkedIn feature - Companies to track and even check some very important metrics with help of LinkedIn.
At times companies through various sources have database of importers, who can buy products from them but how to contact right person in such companies, learn about how LinkedIn can help you to get in touch with the right person. Lastly, one can know about the paid version of LinkedIn services in the video.
One can learn about the four important points related to LinkedIn marketing strategies:
1. Personalized profile - having your own LinkedIn Profile and its content,
2. Company Profile – the profile of the company and its content,
3. Optimize one’s Company’s page – how to optimize your company’s page and
4. Competitors Analysis - analyzing your competitors through LinkedIn feature - Companies to track and even check some very important metrics with help of LinkedIn.
At times companies through various sources have database of importers, who can buy products from them but how to contact right person in such companies, learn about how LinkedIn can help you to get in touch with the right person. Lastly, one can know about the paid version of LinkedIn services in the video.