Conversion of Currency | Samir J Shah | JBS Academy

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  • Instructor
    Mr. Samir J Shah
  • Duration 
    4 Mins 30 Sec
  • Languages

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We know that the process of Import, Export and Freight Forwarding are of prime importance in the Indian Customs apart from that of Customs Clearance. International Business has most of its happenings in these above mentioned processes. The INCOTERMS governs functions of International Business and there are a lot of international currencies involved in the same. Some of the most common among them are the dollar, yen and euro. Hence there is a need for conversion of currency as the Import, Export and Freight Forwarding takes place. Mr. Shah explains to us about the concept in great detail.
In this video, Mr. Samir J Shah, Chief Mentor and Director, JBS Academy Private Limited helps us understand what the concept of Conversion of Currency is.