34 Terms used in Documents of Transport in Foreign Trade - 1 Term | Part - 8 | Mr. Kishor Bhatt
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InstructorMr. Kishor Bhatt
Duration10 Mins 13 Sec
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Welcome to the part – 8 of the series - ‘34 Terms used in Documents of Transport in Foreign Trade’ by JBS Academy.
International business is largely transacted through the medium of documents and there are various terms used in these documents. In previous seven videos of the series ’34 terms used in Documents of Transport in Foreign Trade – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7’, we have already learnt the various terms used in Documents of Transport in Foreign Trade like Choka Bill of Lading, Clean Bill of Lading, House bill of Lading, Parties to Bill of Lading, Lash Bill of Lading, Port to Port Bill of Lading, Stale Bill of Lading, Straight Bill of Lading, Switch B/L, Charter Party Bill of Lading, Deck shipping, RO/RO (Role On/Role Off) vessels, Mate’s Receipt, On Deck Shipment, Clause Paramount, Airway Bill etc.
In this video, Mr. Kishor Bhatt, Instructor, JBS Academy Private Limited focuses on the term ‘Freight Forwarders’. The loading, unloading and the transportation of cargo, is a complicated job and involves coordinating the services of various agencies. The expert and dedicated group of people who co-ordinate such a movement of cargo are known to be the Freight Forwarders. He explains the term ‘Freight Forwarders’ in detail in terms of who are Freight Forwarders, what do Freight Forwarders do / the functions of Freight Forwarders, what the Freight Forwarders should be familiar with, FFFAI criteria for allowing the consolidator to use FIATA-FBL etc. To learn in detail about the term – Freight Forwarder, do watch the video.
To further learn on another terms used in Documents of Transport in Foreign Trade. Keep Watching…..
To watch more videos related to the Export Import, International Trade, International trade fair, Shipping industry, Freight Forwarding industries, Port Management, Customs Clearance, Supply Chain Management and many more topics related Logistics sector be connected with the JBS Academy YouTube channel.
International business is largely transacted through the medium of documents and there are various terms used in these documents. In previous seven videos of the series ’34 terms used in Documents of Transport in Foreign Trade – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7’, we have already learnt the various terms used in Documents of Transport in Foreign Trade like Choka Bill of Lading, Clean Bill of Lading, House bill of Lading, Parties to Bill of Lading, Lash Bill of Lading, Port to Port Bill of Lading, Stale Bill of Lading, Straight Bill of Lading, Switch B/L, Charter Party Bill of Lading, Deck shipping, RO/RO (Role On/Role Off) vessels, Mate’s Receipt, On Deck Shipment, Clause Paramount, Airway Bill etc.
In this video, Mr. Kishor Bhatt, Instructor, JBS Academy Private Limited focuses on the term ‘Freight Forwarders’. The loading, unloading and the transportation of cargo, is a complicated job and involves coordinating the services of various agencies. The expert and dedicated group of people who co-ordinate such a movement of cargo are known to be the Freight Forwarders. He explains the term ‘Freight Forwarders’ in detail in terms of who are Freight Forwarders, what do Freight Forwarders do / the functions of Freight Forwarders, what the Freight Forwarders should be familiar with, FFFAI criteria for allowing the consolidator to use FIATA-FBL etc. To learn in detail about the term – Freight Forwarder, do watch the video.
To further learn on another terms used in Documents of Transport in Foreign Trade. Keep Watching…..
To watch more videos related to the Export Import, International Trade, International trade fair, Shipping industry, Freight Forwarding industries, Port Management, Customs Clearance, Supply Chain Management and many more topics related Logistics sector be connected with the JBS Academy YouTube channel.